Project List

When you first log in to Enersight, you are viewing the Project List screen. Here you can create a new project (Project - New Project), or navigate to open a previously created project. Projects are listed in a folder structure which is sorted alphabetically. Projects within the folder are sorted by date by default, however this may be adjusted by clicking on the Last Modified link above the project's last modified date and swapped back via clicking Project Name. Recent projects are also listed to the far right of the screen.

Click image to expand or minimize. 

The Project Search button can also be used to search for Projects or Plan Data Sets by name. This will give a list of the applicable plan data sets, projects, the folder path which contains that project and their lock status.

Click image to expand or minimize. 

From 2.14 onwards, when copying or saving as a project, the name utilized will be unique within the company environment with a (1) or scaled up number as appropriate appended automatically. This will ensure that when interacting with other software (Enersight Link, Val Nav or Execute) the right project is always subsequently chosen as duplicates will no longer be able to be created.